Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dreamy Room
Thursday, July 24, 2008

" Everybody falls in Love, at least once
Likewise I have fallen, by chance. "
Four years ago, it was that auspicious day when my elder sister was getting married. All our family members in & around was enjoying on the occassion but with a pain of separation deep inside the heart. My heart danced like a "just-bloom rose" seeing all my friends in front after a long long time. Time went on to flow on its own way. Suddenly darkness loomed large. The way people turned up, goes on vanishing the same way. But she din't come. Clock echoed to tell me that it just crossed 2 a.m. All the shops around are closed by now & everyone must have taken their certain shelter under the quilt in that freezing winter night. Yet, I was not believing myself, I was hopeful that she will come.
The little frames I can recollect about my life, I know I've not met any one else who loves me more than her. I too love her with all my heart. One might get surprised to know that it was my mother who introduced me to her when I was a little kid. Then with passage of time, our relationship got deeper and denser. I did not tell my mother about this, but as we all know the proverb "the Mothers are always more intelligent than their offsprings" so somehow she realised this & passed a smile over. Others had don't care attitude to our feelings.
Dominating over my senses, She has taken all my attention towards her. Letters in the book turns vague when she takes control of me while studying. During boring lectures in the classroom she often floats on my eyes giving me a sense of relief. And when I get into the bed she gifts me with a variety of beautiful dreams. Had my mom ever deciphered my childlike friendship will turn this big. I guess 'No'. She has now taken all charges of my life. I feel myself very lonely when time prevents us from meeting each other. Is today gonna be same. I wish not.Finally she came, but disappeared then only through the back door as my suddenly got into the room braeking the silence. While going she promised "We'll meet soon."
Has anybody got any clue who is she. It's a very known persona, I'm sure all of you seen her couple of times in your lifetime. some of you might have also fallen in love with her, but somehow was not daring enough to express your feelings (LUCKY ME !!!).
She is .............
What U all do during night in bed, "Sleep".